North Alabama Medical Center Receives HRSA Platinum Recognition
June 3, 2024
FLORENCE, Ala., – North Alabama Medical Center (NAMC) has earned Platinum Recognition from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) for educating and promoting organ donation awareness.
“These recognition awards signify the profound commitment our organization has toward organ donation,” said NAMC CEO Russell Pigg. “Transplantation is a miracle that restores lives, and we are dedicated to helping share that miracle with patients and their families.”
NAMC partnered with Legacy of Hope to celebrate National Donate Life Month on Friday, April 12th in the hospital’s main lobby. The ceremony began at 1:08 p.m. to signify the fact that one organ, eye or tissue donor can save eight lives
Recognition statuses are given in Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum. Award statuses are received by earning points for conducting or participating in events aimed at raising awareness about the benefits of organ donation in health care.
In 2023, North Alabama Medical Center produced seven organ donor heroes and had 19 life-saving organs recovered from transplants. There were 20 bone and tissue donors, resulting in up to 2,000 recipients of an enhanced quality of life. NAMC also had 29 eye donors and 58 recipients of new sight.
Individuals interested in registering to become an organ donor may visit for complete details.